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Why Breast Care?

Physical therapy can be a critical component for patients who have undergone chest surgery, or treatment related to the breast; including radiation therapy.  If you are experiencing breast pain, loss of function of the shoulder and upper extremity or even lymphedema, physical therapy may be the answer. 

  • Breast pain

  • Dysfunction related to radiation fibrosis

  • Shoulder dysfunction causing pain and limited arm function

  • Postural restrictions

  • Post-mastectomy pain syndrome

  • Thick scar tissue formation

  • Lymphedma or swelling of the breast and/or upper extremity 

  • Lymphatic cording

  • Peau d'orange and other skin changes

Upon meeting you, Christa will conduct an extensive interview so she can get familiar with your history and current condition.  You will take part in an examination of skin inspection, scar mobility, range of motion and strength testing of the arm and neck, postural assessment and girth measurements (if necessary). 
After the examination, Christa will create an individualized plan of care and agree upon a set of goals. You can expect some treatment performed on the first day and you will leave with hand-outs and recommendations depending upon your diagnosis.  Christa encourages questions so you can have a better understanding of your body and diagnosis.  
Treatment may include (but is not limited to:
  • Soft tissue mobilization or massage
  • Scar mobilization
  • Passive ROM of affected limb
  • Progressive therapeutic exercise
  • Postural re-training
  • Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM)
  • Skin and wound care
  • Assistance with fit of bras or compression vests. 
In person/in-home sessions are recommended for hands-on manual therapy of the breast tissue. 
28345 Beck Rd, Ste 105
Wixom, MI 48393


Fax:(248) 916-9081

Serving Southeast Michigan

Private Health Physical Therapy & Wellness, PLC


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